Here at Nanhoron, we have a commitment to conserving and protecting the beautiful area we are situated in and so make a conscious effort to be as sustainable as possible.
The use of renewable energy at Nanhoron helps reduce the pollution of the Llyn Peninsula and also feeds clean energy into the local community:
- 1500 solar panels cover a large portion of our farm complex roof and produce approximately 498kWp, not only helping with the farm’s electricity usage, and reducing our carbon footprint by 340,000 kilos each year, but also putting enough clean energy into the grid to power in excess of 250 homes with their yearly electricity.
- We have installed a Biomass boiler which heats three houses and a historic Victorian greenhouse. This burns exclusively recycled pallets sourced from a Welsh pallet firm and consequently reduces waste going to landfill as well as the welsh carbon footprint

Nanhoron aims to maintain and protect our fantastic range of fauna and flora through the conservation of habitats and ecosystems this is shown through our continued commitment to Glastir, the Welsh Governments Rural Development Programme over the last 20 years.
- Maintaining and repairing several kilometres of drystone walls and stone-faced earth bank field boundaries to provide and protect habitats for small mammals, ground-nesting birds and insects
- Re-instating, refreshing and fencing ponds to provide effective natural habitats for aquatic wildlife
- Actively planting wild bird covers which benefits and provides habitat to a variety of birds and other wildlife
- Preserving over 100 hectares of woodland including 40 acres of hazel coppice which has consequently increased woodland biodiversity • Protecting habitats through our use of stock exclusion woodlands and reedbeds and also wildlife corridors which combat the effects of habitat fragmentation
- Farming over 300 hectares of land in a habitat-friendly way through our use of low-input pastures and their minimised use of fertiliser and pesticides which support greater biodiversity of flora and fauna.

Miscanthus is an incredibly environmentally friendly and sustainable crop with its perennial and self-sustaining nature minimising the necessary input of chemicals and its support of carbon sequestration mitigating the effects of global warming.
Our Herefords extensively graze across the farm and therefore have a reduced intake of concentrate and processed foods that can negatively impact the environment.
We also ensure that our carbon footprint in relation to our cattle is kept as low as possible with all forage for livestock being grown on the farm. We endeavour to supply local butchers with our meat whenever possible. The Hereford Cattle also greatly benefit our habitat-friendly methods of farming as their well-managed grazing can help manage vegetation and maintain habitats and eco-systems